The Ridge Library is open everyday after school. Talk to your teacher and discuss a time to meet for tutoring help. Tutoring is offered Tuesday – Thursday from 3:30 – 4:10.
Online Tutoring: Tutor.com Help for K-12 Students, College Students, and Adults. This service is provided by Twin Falls Public Library and is available at no cost to the student as long as they have a Twin Falls Public Library card. Learning Suite, a service of The Princeton Review, combines on-demand, real-time tutoring with several self-study tools to create a robust, personalized learning or job search experience. The live, online tutoring and job search support is available Sunday through Saturday from 12:00 pm to 12:00 am. Many other features such as The Princeton Review’s SAT/ACT Essentials Test Prep is available 24/7.
LiLIschools.org offers Idaho students in grades K-12 free access to a curated set of online tools focused on their educational needs.
OWL Perdue Online Writing Lab – Welcome to the Purdue OWL. We offer free resources including Writing and Teaching Writing, Research, Grammar and Mechanics, Style Guides, ESL (English as a Second Language), and Job Search and Professional Writing.
EasyBib is an intuitive information literacy platform that provides citation, note taking, and research tools that are easy-to-use and educational.
WolframAlpha.com Compute expert-level math and science answers using Wolfram’s breakthrough algorithms, knowledgebase and AI technology.
ProCon.org presents sourced pros and cons of debatable issues, as well as a host of reference information relevant to those issues, thoroughly researched and compiled by our research staff and editors.
CountryReports delivers unique content on Culture, Countries and Travel from around the world. Students, tourists, libraries, business and researchers appreciate our ability deliver hard to find, fun and current information.
Science.gov searches over 60 databases and over 2,200 scientific websites to provide users with access to more than 200 million pages of authoritative federal science information including research and development results.